How to Make Your Home More Environmentally Friendly

How to Make Your Home More Environmentally Friendly

Guest blog by Evette Champion

Despite the efforts of corporations, and other large enterprises to undercut attempts to regulate their greenhouse gas emissions and reduce their depletion of natural resources, this is the only planet we have and it’s up to us to do what we can to slow the effects of climate change. As real estate insights by agents and industry researchers reveal, many homeowners are nowadays looking for ways they can make their homes more environmentally friendly.

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Will Solar Panels Work Where You Live? That Depends

Will Solar Panels Work Where You Live? That Depends

Guest post by John Dawkins

Solar panels are becoming more and more popular as people look for ways to reduce their energy costs. They are efficient and renewable sources of energy. Unfortunately, solar panels don't work everywhere. They depend on various factors, including the climate and the availability of sunlight. If you're considering solar panels for your home, the first thing you need to do is find out if they will work well where you live. The following factors will affect whether solar panels are a good option for your home.

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Green Burials: A Greener Alternative to Traditional Burial

Green Burials: A Greener Alternative to Traditional Burial

Guest post by Collin Turner

2022 is a year for environmental action. Throughout the pandemic, people have had the time to slow down and think about how their decisions affect the environment and the planet as a whole. One study found that half of the global consumers surveyed have become more eco-friendly due to the pandemic and lockdowns giving them more time to think about their impact on the environment.

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How To Reduce Food Waste in The Kitchen

How To Reduce Food Waste in The Kitchen

In just one year, about 40% of food ends up in the trash. That’s 80 million pounds of food equating to $161 billion annually. It’s no wonder why many experts point to food waste being a massive contributor to landfills, making up a quarter of them. Despite the grim statistics and our collective knowledge of the problem, food waste is still on the rise. So how can you help reduce food waste? The first steps begin in your own kitchen.

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3 Reasons Why We Need to Get Rid of Fast Fashion

3 Reasons Why We Need to Get Rid of Fast Fashion

The manufacture of clothing is a major contributor to the climate crisis. According to the UN Environment Programme, fashion accounts for up to 10% of carbon dioxide output around the world, more than the international travel and shipping industries combined. There are so many fashion brands that are putting a strain on our environment, and it’s ultimately unclear whether fast fashion can truly ever be sustainable: clothing brands such as Forever 21, Zara, H&M, Urban Outfitters, Rip Curl, etc. engage in manufacturing practices that are anything but. sustainable..

These brands are not only putting a huge strain on the environment but on their workers as well: many of them have been caught paying less than minimum wage. They have also been exposed for their unsafe work environments and how they treat their workers on the job. Yet brands such as these have made promises to be more sustainable and treat their workers better. Should we believe them?

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How to Learn Organic Farming as a College Student

How to Learn Organic Farming as a College Student

This post is Part I of a 3-part series on Organic farming and food)

Sick of the food from the cafeteria, the over-Doordashing, and constant worry that your food is filled with harmful chemicals? I am too, but you can learn organic farming and eventually start relying on yourself for food!

There are multiple ways to learn how to farm organically, but it can be an overwhelming start. First you can take a look at what you're eating and where it's coming from. Identifying the source of your food can be eye opening. The produce you're eating right now could be up to a month old and sprayed with multiple kinds of chemicals that aren't pronounceable.

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3 Reasons to Join the WWOOF Organic Farming Program Right Now

3 Reasons to Join the WWOOF Organic Farming Program Right Now

Experience is one of the best parts of life. Get out there and do what you are meant to do. If you have any curiosity about organic farming, or want to know what it takes to start and successfully run a farm, World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF) will give you that experience and allow you to chase your dreams.

The WWOOF program has helped so many people discover their future career path, a sustainable lifestyle, and the world. The program has helped so many people and could help out you too! Why should you join the WWOOF Program right now? Three reasons stand out above all others: to learn the importance of growing food and being sustainable, to take the opportunity to travel, and to make connections with like-minded people.

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Solar Energy: Fast Facts, Stats, and Trends You Need to Know

Solar Energy: Fast Facts, Stats, and Trends You Need to Know

Guest post by Enrique Hormillo

Solar power is far from being a buzzword in the current times. On the contrary, it’s one of the most important breakthroughs in technology and dates back to the 19th century.

When it was discovered that sunlight could generate electricity, there wasn’t too much progress in identifying major uses for solar cells. During the next couple of centuries, research and development on solar technology and its applications would continue with more concrete results.

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The Ultimate Eco-Friendly Gardening Checklist

The Ultimate Eco-Friendly Gardening Checklist

Guest post by Greg Niewold

Anyone who loves to garden knows that one of the best parts of winter is looking ahead to spring: the season of planting. This year as you’re dreaming and planning, why not think about trying some eco-friendly strategies in your garden? Whether you’re a total newbie or a veteran grower, you may be surprised to learn how little steps toward sustainability could improve your everyday garden operations. With eco-friendly approaches, not only will your garden be greener and gentler to the environment, but you’ll possibly save costs and improve your yield, too.

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5 Ways to Reduce the Amount of Waste Your Business Produces

5 Ways to Reduce the Amount of Waste Your Business Produces

Guest post by Gabe Nelson

You may already be concerned with caring for the environment and making sure that your business does not create unnecessary waste. If so, you probably already recycle as well as try to reduce the use of various business assets that might generate garbage. But is what you are doing enough? Could there be more ways to reduce the waste footprint of your business?

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Tree Pruning vs. Tree Trimming: What’s the Difference?

Tree Pruning vs. Tree Trimming: What’s the Difference?

guest post by Bryan Hardin

If you are the proud owner of a garden or yard, you will agree that it takes effort to maintain your green area. You need to care for your plants and trees and make sure they remain healthy and looked after. Speaking of maintenance, pruning and trimming are two techniques that can help to keep your trees in excellent condition. However, most people confuse them to be the same thing. While trimming and pruning are both landscaping techniques, they differ in their functions and applications.

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What Quantity of CBD Gummies Should You Take to Get Better Sleep?

What Quantity of CBD Gummies Should You Take to Get Better Sleep?

CBD gummies pretty much look like standard gummy bears. The two products may even have the same taste. The primary difference is that CBD gummies contain cannabidiol as one of the main bioactive ingredients. There are over 100 kinds of cannabinoid compounds within hemp plants, among them cannabidiol (CBD)

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