Actionable Ways to Highlight Sustainability in Your Clothing Business

Actionable Ways to Highlight Sustainability in Your Clothing Business

Sustainability is no longer just a trendy concept. It’s a necessity for businesses navigating an eco-conscious marketplace. With millennials and Gen Z at the forefront, the push for sustainable practices is gaining momentum, compelling companies to embrace this lasting change.

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3 Reasons Why We Need to Get Rid of Fast Fashion

3 Reasons Why We Need to Get Rid of Fast Fashion

The manufacture of clothing is a major contributor to the climate crisis. According to the UN Environment Programme, fashion accounts for up to 10% of carbon dioxide output around the world, more than the international travel and shipping industries combined. There are so many fashion brands that are putting a strain on our environment, and it’s ultimately unclear whether fast fashion can truly ever be sustainable: clothing brands such as Forever 21, Zara, H&M, Urban Outfitters, Rip Curl, etc. engage in manufacturing practices that are anything but. sustainable..

These brands are not only putting a huge strain on the environment but on their workers as well: many of them have been caught paying less than minimum wage. They have also been exposed for their unsafe work environments and how they treat their workers on the job. Yet brands such as these have made promises to be more sustainable and treat their workers better. Should we believe them?

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