Water Conservation 101: A Guide for Consumers (infographic)

Water Conservation 101: A Guide for Consumers (infographic)

Want to help protect the Earth and its dwindling finite resources? There are lots of ways to get started! From following strict recycling practices to avoiding single-use plastics, people everywhere can take small steps that have the potential to add up to a big difference. One area in particular that’s easy to make a change and live green is in water conservation.

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Addressing the Global Water Inequality Crisis – Infographic

Addressing the Global Water Inequality Crisis – Infographic

Guest post by Tom Murphy

In a planet that’s 70% water, you’d be forgiven for thinking that there was more than enough of this precious resource to comfortably sustain its population. However, when you think through how much of this water is fit for human consumption, you realize that maybe there isn’t a whole lot to go around for more than 7 billion inhabitants. In the Western world, water scarcity certainly isn’t a problem for most (with some exceptions in pockets of the US, the EU, and Australia ), but delve deeper into impoverished Third World/Global South nations and it will soon dawn on you just how shocking the disparity of water availability is on this planet.

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What’s in your drinking water and should you be concerned?

What’s in your drinking water and should you be concerned?


Although news about the ongoing water crisis in Flint, Michigan has waned in the face of the upcoming Presidential election, the water crisis is far from over. This water crisis was a wake-up call for many people and some of their elected representatives about the dangers of toxic lead (and other contaminants) that have leached into municipal water supplies, partly because of aging or flawed infrastructure.

But while Flint has become the poster child for lead poisoning in particular, and contaminated water systems in general, the attention that has been riveted on Flint by the mainstream media in the US has done little to inform – or alarm – us about the details of other ongoing water crises around the country.

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