How Did the Water Contamination at Camp Lejeune Start?

How Did the Water Contamination at Camp Lejeune Start?

Camp Lejeune is a United States Marine Corps base located in Jacksonville, North Carolina. The base was established in 1941 and served as a training and deployment center for Marines and their families for decades. However, it has also been the site of one of the worst cases of water contamination in American history. Find out more about the situation and how to file a lawsuit if you or a family member is experiencing the side effects of consuming unsafe water. This article will examine the history of water contamination at Camp Lejeune, including how it started, the impact it had on the health of those who lived and worked there, and the government's response to the contamination.

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A Homeowner’s Guide to Environmentally Conscious Water Use

A Homeowner’s Guide to Environmentally Conscious Water Use

Guest post by Jason Baldauf

It’s almost impossible to imagine modern living without the convenience of running water. We take it for granted that we can cook, clean, wash and bathe with it. As such, we may not think about how imperative it is to conserve and protect it. Despite being readily available with a turn of the spigot, it is not an unlimited resource.

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What’s in your drinking water and should you be concerned?

What’s in your drinking water and should you be concerned?


Although news about the ongoing water crisis in Flint, Michigan has waned in the face of the upcoming Presidential election, the water crisis is far from over. This water crisis was a wake-up call for many people and some of their elected representatives about the dangers of toxic lead (and other contaminants) that have leached into municipal water supplies, partly because of aging or flawed infrastructure.

But while Flint has become the poster child for lead poisoning in particular, and contaminated water systems in general, the attention that has been riveted on Flint by the mainstream media in the US has done little to inform – or alarm – us about the details of other ongoing water crises around the country.

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