4 Reasons Why You Should Support Organic Farming

4 Reasons Why You Should Support Organic Farming

(This post is Part II of a 3-part series on Organic farming and food) .You can read Part I, written by our intern Olivia McSweeny, by clicking this link.

How many of us have considered organically grown food to be more appealing – at least in principle – to conventionally grown items? Yet despite increasing demand for organically grown food, organic farming occupies a small part of total farmland in the US. The evidence is mixed, with some studies suggesting an increase in organic farming over prior years, and others suggesting a decrease.

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Essential Facts to Know About Go Green Production & Manufacturing

Essential Facts to Know About Go Green Production & Manufacturing

The production and manufacturing sector has always been in a never-ending competition where various companies try to improve upon their products and services. For several years, companies involved in tire manufacturing have been efficiently trying to develop production processes in a way that promotes sustainability.

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3 Reasons Why We Need to Get Rid of Fast Fashion

3 Reasons Why We Need to Get Rid of Fast Fashion

The manufacture of clothing is a major contributor to the climate crisis. According to the UN Environment Programme, fashion accounts for up to 10% of carbon dioxide output around the world, more than the international travel and shipping industries combined. There are so many fashion brands that are putting a strain on our environment, and it’s ultimately unclear whether fast fashion can truly ever be sustainable: clothing brands such as Forever 21, Zara, H&M, Urban Outfitters, Rip Curl, etc. engage in manufacturing practices that are anything but. sustainable..

These brands are not only putting a huge strain on the environment but on their workers as well: many of them have been caught paying less than minimum wage. They have also been exposed for their unsafe work environments and how they treat their workers on the job. Yet brands such as these have made promises to be more sustainable and treat their workers better. Should we believe them?

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Sustainability Tips for Your Day-to-Day Life

Sustainability Tips for Your Day-to-Day Life

Guest post by Matt Casadona

In the past, sustainability was associated with hippies and tree-hugging, but as more generations have begun to pay attention to the ways we are destroying our planet, it’s become a hot topic and one many people, young or old, are exploring. As you become aware of how your everyday life-- from your morning commute to your meals-- affects your carbon footprint and the planet, you’ll need ways to help you live more sustainably. Here are some of the simplest ways to become more sustainable without drastically altering your lifestyle.

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The Future Is Electric: Here Are the Best-Prepared U.S. Cities for Electric Cars (Infographic)

The Future Is Electric: Here Are the Best-Prepared U.S. Cities for Electric Cars (Infographic)

With more people than ever becoming aware of the effects of their consumer choices on climate change, many have made the switch to electric vehicles (EVs). While Norway has the largest EV use in the world, followed by Iceland and Sweden, the US is driving mass sales both at home and abroad (thanks, Tesla!), and as of 2018 had over one million registered EV vehicles on the road.

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Passive Houses: How They Work and What They Offer

Passive Houses: How They Work and What They Offer

Our homes use a lot of energy. From electric appliances to heating and air conditioning systems, all of our essentials tend to make living spaces less green. While various eco-friendly home repairs can help with this problem, those looking to truly level up their energy-saving should learn about passive houses.

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Eco-Friendly Packaging & Green Shipping Ideas

Eco-Friendly Packaging & Green Shipping Ideas

Guest post by Katreena Sarmiento

Since the pandemic first hit, many physical establishments have opted to do their transactions online since people are going out less often. Lockdown and quarantine is a new reality for many people nowadays. Because of this new confinement to our houses, we therefore rely on online businesses for our daily transactions.

How do you enjoy opening your parcels and packages? Do you also do unboxing challenges when an exciting order arrives?

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8 Ways to Do Sustainable Gardening

8 Ways to Do Sustainable Gardening

Tending a garden is beneficial not only to the overall aesthetic of your house but also to the environment. It can cut down CO2 in the atmosphere and it also provides shelter to birds, butterflies, and bees, which all take part in beautifying the space by pollinating flowering plants.

But did you know that gardening, if done right, can help Mother Nature even more?

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How to Turn Cardboard into Useful Items for the Home

How to Turn Cardboard into Useful Items for the Home

Guest post by Cassandra Rosas

Almost everyone has gone through a period of time in their lives when they had a cumulous of cardboard boxes that they didn’t know what to do with. Instead of throwing in them in the trash, recycle or upcycle them! There are numerous ways to upcycle cardboard into actually useful items for the home, the kids, your pets and even your office.

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How to Turn Broken China into a Stylish Keychain

How to Turn Broken China into a Stylish Keychain

Guest post by Rae Steinbach

In today’s world, our waste consumption seems to be out of control. In the Western world, we consume more and own more material possessions than any society throughout history. All this stuff that we buy also gets thrown away at record rates. Perhaps this is why researchers have warned that we’re on the verge of creating a “plastic planet”.

In the midst of all this bad news, we as a society are learning to adapt and make positive changes that will benefit us – and the planet -- in the long term. One of these adaptations is “upcycling”. Upcycling refers to the process whereby something old, broken, or no longer of use is reused and turned into something new. Usually a few changes need to be made to the product to make it something else. These can occur large scale at a recycling plant or small scale at home with just some simple crafting tools and DIY knowledge.

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Going Sustainable in 2021: How to Get Started

Going Sustainable in 2021: How to Get Started

Guest post by Imogen Clarke

With every new year comes new resolutions, and as we say a very happy goodbye to the tumultuous 2020, it’s time to set some new goals for the future. So, this new year, why not include some sustainable goals for the year to better the environment and your life?

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How Sustainable Is Hemp Fabric?

How Sustainable Is Hemp Fabric?

Guest post by Jeffery Thompson

When you think of sustainable fabric, do you think of hemp? Maybe you should, as it demands fewer natural resources to grow, is durable, and is more resilient than cotton. We have been using hemp for hundreds of years to produce strong fabric in large quantities. During the ‘Age of Discovery,’ the explorers used hemp canvas for the sails of ships. These same sails had led men to new territories. We were openly using hemp then without prejudice. However, in 1970, the Controlled Substance Act arrived and penalized the cultivation and sales of hemp because it belonged to the family of cannabis, a Schedule 1 controlled substance.

But now, the situation is changing. Hemp has a chance to win its glory back from cotton because more and more states are legalizing and decriminalizing the cultivation of cannabis. When it comes to fabrics, it’s still true that cotton is the king, as it is a widely used raw material. However, many people are second-guessing its efficacy as fabric due to its environmental impacts. On the other hand, hemp is attracting the same environmentalists by being a sustainable fabric.

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10 Ways Hemp Can Help Create a More Environmentally-Friendly Society

10 Ways Hemp Can Help Create a More Environmentally-Friendly Society

Guest post by Jaspreet Singh

Hemp can serve humanity as a potent tool to protect the environment. Termed a marvel crop, hemp has innate properties to create products that can cohabit with the environment. When the earth is facing grave challenges regarding its ecosystem, hemp can go a long way to help sustain it. While numerous medicinal, industrial, and commercial advantages of hemp have long been common knowledge, the environmental benefits of this plant are now becoming clear as well. If you are exploring options for sustainable growing processes, hemp may be the solution you need.

Here are 10 environmental benefits of using hemp plants:

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