Sustainable Packaging is Sensible Packaging (Infographic)

Sustainable Packaging is Sensible Packaging (Infographic)

guest post by Max Bracken

Today’s environmentally-conscious consumers expect businesses to show a strong commitment to sustainable practices. Read this guide to learn how you can boost your green credentials through packaging design.

In the age of Extinction Rebellions and zero-waste homes, many of the world’s most recognised brands are placing environmentally-friendly at the centre of their policies. For many companies, packaging design represents the best way of improving their sustainability. Not only will committing to sustainable packaging allow you to help combat climate change, but it may also greatly enhance your company’s reputation and profits.

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The Zero-Waste Retail Revolution (Infographic)

The Zero-Waste Retail Revolution (Infographic)

The Zero-Waste Movement: A Quick Primer

The goal of the zero-waste movement is to prevent waste from being sent to landfills, incinerators or the ocean. Proponents of zero-waste work towards this goal by reducing the amount of waste that they produce in the first place and by finding more sustainable ways to manage your waste. Bea Johnson, one of the leading influencers in the movement, offers up the five R’s as a helpful starting point for aspiring zero-wasters:

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How to Encourage Children to Be More Sustainable

How to Encourage Children to Be More Sustainable

Guest post by Natalie Wilson

As helping the environment has become an essential part of everyone's day, it’s important to also encourage children to be more sustainable. While it might take a little longer to help your children understand the environmental benefits, repetition is key, and naturally over time they will start to copy your actions and understand your reasoning. If you’re looking for new ways to encourage your children to be more sustainable, here are 5 ways they can make a difference.

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Sustainable Food Initiatives and How Eco Labels Drive the Consumers (Infographic)

Sustainable Food Initiatives and How Eco Labels Drive the Consumers (Infographic)

Guest post by Hannah Findlay

Food has always been a big part of our lives. In the past it was either an object of constant worry for the poor, or a way for the rich to enjoy life through over-indulgent eating. Only in the past century have people started wondering about the healthfulness of our meals, and how food production is affecting the planet. Initially they were concerned about body image and health, the rising threat of cholesterol-related diseases and obesity, and finally people became aware of the dangers of unsustainable food production for future generations.

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What makes hemp such a sustainable crop?

What makes hemp such a sustainable crop?

Unique characteristics of hemp

Since the early 1700s, hemp has built a strong name for itself as a sustainable crop and textile resource. Yet a lot of people are confused about this industrial plant and its relationship to marijuana. Because of this confusion, negative stereotypes are commonly associated with the hemp plant, striking fear in the public.

But there's a clear distinction between the two. It's imperative to note the benefits the hemp plant brings. And it starts by taking a close look at the structure of the seed and the stalk of the plant.

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Eco-Housing Design Types

Eco-Housing Design Types

Private homes are estimated to be responsible for about one-fifth to one-fourth of global carbon dioxide emissions, and for that reason, eco-friendly construction or green building is becoming more and more of a necessity. If you’re looking to move home and want something more eco-friendly, Roof Stores have been investigating some alternative types of housing that will help you cut down your carbon footprint…

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Wind farms to power global cities?

Wind farms to power global cities?

Over the last few years, there has been a huge rise in people opting for more eco-friendly ways to power their home. However, it’s not always down to individuals to ensure their homes are greener, which is why governments around the world are also looking into ways of providing renewable energy to homes and businesses. One of these ways is wind power.

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Eco-Friendly Cities of the Future

Eco-Friendly Cities of the Future

Guest Post by Powertools2U

Pneumatic waste systems, pollution sensors, robots, drones, and self-driving cars…it’s what we expect for the far future. But these features could be coming to a town near you. In 2050 the world population is estimated to be 9.7 billion; currently, it stands at 7.53 billion. To tackle this overpopulation crisis, new cities and towns are being built across the world. With cool tech and eco-friendliness high on the agenda, we look at these futuristic cities that are not far from the present:

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How To Create an Eco-Friendly House that Still Feels Like Home

How To Create an Eco-Friendly House that Still Feels Like Home

Guest post by Tony Mers

Living an eco-friendly lifestyle is essential in the modern era. Many people who want to live healthier lives and promote sustainability begin their eco-friendly journey by implementing small changes within their home.

Unfortunately, many people think of two versions of eco-friendly living: a cold, industrial building covered in solar panels, or a home akin to the ground floor of a rainforest (complete with compost piles in the corner of each room).

But this couldn't be further from the truth. In reality, environmentally-friendly living doesn't mean you have to undergo a complete lifestyle change when you want to support our planet and engage in sustainable efforts. Here are just some of the ways you can craft an eco-friendly house without sacrificing the comforts of home.

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