7 Green Home Improvements to Make for a Healthier Lifestyle

7 Green Home Improvements to Make for a Healthier Lifestyle

Guest post by Kelsey Luvisa

The beginning of a new year is a time to think about home improvement. With people across the United States spending more time at home due to COVID-19, making your space a comfortable place to spend a lot of time is important now more than ever. When you care about the environment, making improvements that are green and support a healthy lifestyle might also be on your mind. The real estate experts at HomeLight interviewed more than 1,000 agents across the United States to reveal home upgrade trends, offering some insights about updates that you should consider.

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The consequences of COVID aren't that good for the environment

The consequences of COVID aren't that good for the environment

What do you think when you see a used disposable mask lying by the roadside? Some may say that it is not surprising and that the main thing is that the person used it. Others will see that this a sign that masks have become yet another kind of garbage polluting the environment. Whether you see it as an inevitable consequence of the necessity of using masks in this pandemic era, or it sets off alarm bells in your head, it's something we need to think about seriously.

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How to Find Eco-Friendly Clothing Options

How to Find Eco-Friendly Clothing Options

Guest post by Bead the Change

The turn of the century has seen shoppers increasingly go for fast fashion, where they discard apparel at the end of the season to purchase new wardrobes for the next. All this is possible because the clothing is more economical. But in recent times, awareness about the impact of synthetic fibers on the planet is inspiring people to choose more eco-friendly clothing options. They’re rethinking their choices in favor of options and brands that won’t have a lasting impact on the planet.

What can you do to find more eco-friendly clothing? It’s easier than you may think.

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What you should know about microplastics and their threat to the environment

What you should know about microplastics and their threat to the environment

Guest post by Josh Hill

Plastic is a problem; it has penetrated every corner of the globe: the depths of the ocean and even arctic ice. But now we face a new threat, often invisible to the naked eye -- a form of plastic that is in our drinking water, the dirt we walk on and even the air we breathe!

I am talking about microplastics, tiny fragments of plastic that pollute the environment. But, where do they come from? Why are they a problem? And what can we do about them?

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7 Tips to Eat Healthy When You Don't Have Time to Eat

7 Tips to Eat Healthy When You Don't Have Time to Eat

Guest post by Leon Collier

We all move fast in a high-speed carousel and with that haste, we forget that one of our vital necessities is to feed ourselves.

Even if we can't change the way we work at the moment, we can use a few tricks when we don't have the time to cook a lavish meal.

It seems that we have no choice but to identify quick and effective ways to integrate healthy eating habits into the busy daily schedule. You’ll discover it in our recommendations, and along the way, you’ll also find ingenious solutions that can work for you.

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Going Sustainable in 2021: How to Get Started

Going Sustainable in 2021: How to Get Started

Guest post by Imogen Clarke

With every new year comes new resolutions, and as we say a very happy goodbye to the tumultuous 2020, it’s time to set some new goals for the future. So, this new year, why not include some sustainable goals for the year to better the environment and your life?

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Green Roofing: Why You Should Have Solar Panels

Green Roofing: Why You Should Have Solar Panels

Guest post by Sheryl Wright

Solar Panels are All the Rage

With the growing global popularity and necessity for green and sustainable energy, there is no doubt that you have seen solar panels on houses and buildings in your local area and beyond. Solar panels have become even more popular in the last few years, and many people may wonder why. You may have heard that solar panels can lower your energy bills and that they are good for the planet, but you may wonder if they are right for you and your home. In this article, you will find some helpful information that will enable you to make a decision about whether or not you should invest in solar energy.

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Eco-Friendly Apartment Living

Eco-Friendly Apartment Living

By its very nature, apartment living is an eco-friendlier way to live than many other modern lifestyles. This is because while living in your apartment, the odds are that you are located in an urban center. Living in an urban center means that you’re close by many things and don’t need to use as many resources as your other modern lifestyle counterparts do. However, there are still many ways to make your apartment even more environmentally sustainable. And great news for you: many of them are relatively simple. Reducing your ecological footprint and having a greater positive impact on the world around you can be a matter of making just a few minor changes!

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What you need to know about CBD and Eczema

What you need to know about CBD and Eczema

Guest post by Tanya Bure

Eczema is an extremely common skin condition nowadays. Its usual symptoms are irritation, dry skin, and inflammation. Most people suffer from it during childhood and their teenage years and simply "overgrow" it at some point. Sometimes, though, this condition may accompany a person throughout life, causing a lot of physical and psychological suffering.

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Why Choose Reusable Tissues?

Why Choose Reusable Tissues?

Guest post by Bernita Fregoso

We all know that paper tissues are produced from trees. This means that to make tissues, thousands of trees are being cut down daily across the world. Moreover, disposable tissues create a huge amount of trash, which is harmful to the environment and a key contributor to global warming. By using reusable tissues, you can help protect nature by reducing deforestation.

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5 Things to Consider When Building Green

5 Things to Consider When Building Green

Guest post by Chloe Taylor

When it comes to new construction development, green building practices have been gaining a lot of traction in recent years. The environmental problems and challenges our planet is currently facing have prompted the need for the integration of sustainable elements into everything from interior design to architecture to construction processes. This has led to the development of numerous green technologies which only continue to evolve.

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Winter can be a surprisingly busy time for gardeners.

Winter can be a surprisingly busy time for gardeners.

Guest post by Tim Allen

No matter what you grow or how big (or small) your garden may be, there’s a lot of work that needs to be done as winter approaches to keep your plants safe. Weeds need to be plucked, bulbs need to be planted, shrubs and landscaping need to be wrapped up -- you know the routine.

But what about your indoor plants?

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Plant-based diets: can they help reduce chronic inflammation and its associated diseases?

Plant-based diets: can they help reduce chronic inflammation and its associated diseases?

Globally, the incidence of end-stage diseases that are caused by chronic inflammation are on the rise. Many of the foods that are consumed daily in a typical Western diet, including processed foods, dairy, meat, and/or trans fats, cause chronic inflammation, which lead to life-threatening diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, asthma and stroke. There is a growing body of clinical evidence that clearly demonstrates that switching to a plant-based diet can greatly reduce your chances of developing one of these end-stage diseases, although this does not mean that you have to give up meat or animal products altogether. In fact, the current landscape of debate on veganism, vegetarianism, and meat-heavy diets is muddied by polemics, making it difficult for the average person to make an informed choice. So what does the science actually say about the effects of plant-based diets on chronic inflammation and its associated diseases?

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10 Ways to Reduce Your Use of Plastic

10 Ways to Reduce Your Use of Plastic

According to the Solid Waste Association of North America, U.S. cities saw a 20% average increase in municipal solid waste and recycling collection from March into April 2020. Increased trash can be attributed partly to spring cleaning, but most of it is due to people consuming more disposable goods made of single-use (or limited use) plastic because of COVID-19, including an increase in the use of PPE such as masks and gloves. Although it’s hard to imagine our modern lives without it, plastic has been a major source of waste and a contributor to climate change. There are some promising innovations in plastics recycling and mitigation of plastic waste by government agencies and activist organizations, but ultimately it’s up to individuals to do what they can to help solve the problem of plastic waste.

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How Modular Buildings Could Make Construction Greener

How Modular Buildings Could Make Construction Greener

Guest post by Daniel Gray

With more and more people paying attention to sustainability, architects and builders have had a renewed focus on the environment in their designs. The result is excellent for consumers, who have the opportunity to live in healthier and more efficient houses, but also for the environment, which sees lower overall impact from the use of sustainable materials and lower energy expenditures.

Read on to learn more about how modular construction works and how it can help move the construction industry in a more sustainable direction.

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