What you need to know about CBD and Eczema
/Guest post by Tanya Bure
Eczema is an extremely common skin condition nowadays. Its usual symptoms are irritation, dry skin, and inflammation. Most people suffer from it during childhood and their teenage years and simply "overgrow" it at some point. Sometimes, though, this condition may accompany a person throughout life, causing a lot of physical and psychological suffering.
Allopathic modern medicine claims that this condition has no effective cure and that medicine can only provide supportive treatment. However, there is a strong chance we might already have an efficient all-natural treatment that can ease the sufferings of numerous patients all over the world. The most fascinating thing about it is that this treatment can work from inside, affecting not just the symptoms but, more important, the core reasons behind this condition. Recently research on the therapeutical benefits of CBD has advanced significantly as the CBD industry has grown. Considering the wave of pending and in-place legalization in many countries around the world, which may finally eliminate persistent prejudices against cannabinoids, we are already seeing benefits from a particular range of CBD products that currently appear in wellness and self-care shops. While customers notice more and more custom CBD packages on the shelves, the CBD business continues following the latest research and offers us a wide range of CBD products. The possibility of eczema treatment may revolutionize the market entirely.
How can CBD treat eczema?
Generally, eczema is skin inflammation. Inflammation is a natural protective reaction of your body to any kind of damage. This is the way your healthy immune system reacts to the possible invasion of pathogens. But sometimes the immune system might overreact or get misled by some factors and cause an inflammation where no physical damage has ever happened and no protection is needed. This condition can cause eczema. The nature of this condition and its connection with the immune system is a reason why we see it so often among children and teenagers. During the early life stages, the immune system is still developing and may show inadequate reactions to stimuli. This is also a reason why sometimes eczema may escalate during stressful periods such as during exams and job interviews. As we know, immune and nervous systems are deeply connected and sometimes provide related inadequate reactions to stressors.
Knowledge of the efficiency of CBD against inflammatory responses and its benefits for anxiety and stress were exactly the factors that inspired researchers to investigate the possibilities of CBD-based treatments of eczema. Although there is not much clinical research on using CBD against eczema, the benefits of using CBD for improving your overall skin condition look quite promising. Therefore, more and more healthcare specialists have been warming up to the idea of using CBD for the treatment of eczema.
While the CBD market is growing and brands offer more and more CBD oils, tinctures, and other products, the potential efficiency of eczema treatment draws the attention of numerous customers. It is still important to remember that if you are a CBD brand owner and your custom CBD boxes are available for retail sales, the information that you put there is strictly monitored by FDA and authorities. That is why no matter how promising the research might be and how beneficial such claims are for the sales, no one is allowed to claim that their CBD product is efficient against eczema and other skin conditions. The same is important for customers to know. Before deciding to introduce CBD products into your routine, it is important to get the opinion of a qualified expert and physician. Although there is a lot of information on the Internet and you are free to perform your own independent research, none of it should be taken as a medical recommendation.
Let`s overview the existing data, benefits, and possibilities of a CBD-based eczema treatment.
Taking CBD therapy
There are different ways you may use CBD to treat any kind of condition, including eczema. The most efficient one is ingestion, of course. Due to its specifics, however, CBD oil may be hard to take. Most of these oils have quite a strong odor and aftertaste that is hard to get rid of afterwards. That is why, if you are planning to ingest CBD oil, it’s better to take it in the form of capsules or gummies. The reason why this use of CBD oil is more efficient is that when taken this way, it affects not only the symptom - dry skin, inflammation, etc - but also is better absorbed by your body, providing benefits to the nervous system.
Aside from internal use, you may also benefit from topical CBD creams. The relief from inflammation and dry skin can be felt almost instantly. This is the most efficient SOS measure when you suffer from eczema symptoms.
As for the dosage, just like in any CBD Oil treatment, it is recommended to start with smaller doses of the softest CBD oil and then adjust the dosage according to the results and possible side-effects.
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CBD treatment for children
It is important to understand that before trying any kind of new treatment, you should consult a qualified expert or your primary care physician. This matter is extremely important when we talk about CBD-based treatment for children. Although the eczema condition might be especially severe in younger people, and the research into CBD treatment of eczema looks promising, this kind of therapy for children is controversial. The reason for this is that all CBD products have a certain amount of THC- a cannabinoid that causes impairment on some level. Unlike CBD, THC might be dangerous for children, especially their brains and nervous systems, and therefore may entail unpredictable consequences.
Overall, the prospects of using CBD for the treatment of eczema are quite bright. This might be good news not only for patients, but for CBD businesses too. Such a promising perspective may boost the whole industry; therefore, it’s time to start taking your business seriously. CBD Box Factory - a company that supports CBD businesses by providing custom CBD packaging, promotional materials, and even legal support - is one example of how CBD is getting out of the craft production framework and becoming an industry. Follow them on social media and contact them right away to learn about the many opportunities that can be found within the CBD business today, and how you can build or re-invent your brand around the benefits of CBD products.
Tanya Bure - An adventurous blogger who travels the world in the search of fresh ideas and experience. Her degree in Business Administration and fascination with smart and inventive startups ends up in a series of articles about branding, budding entrepreneurs and business novelties.