Cannabis Strains to Add to Your Garden

Cannabis Strains to Add to Your Garden

guest post by Zaroon Khan

Whether you have been a lifelong weed aficionado or enjoy the occasional toke for the benefit of CBD, you might consider growing your own ganja from home. As decriminalization and legalization efforts take hold in states across the country, more people are gaining the opportunity to experiment with cannabis cultivation. Though you should check with your own state laws to be certain, it is likely that you can plant some pot in your garden plots for safe, sustainable and fun access to premium weed.

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What Are the Benefits of Using Solar Power Banks?

What Are the Benefits of Using Solar Power Banks?

Guest post by Isaac Larsen

Dealing with an empty phone in the middle of a long trip can be a frustrating experience, especially if you have an urgent phone call to take at the moment. If you’ve been in this kind of situation, it’s about time you explore the use of solar power banks for your mobile phones.

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Repairs to Complete Around Your Home for Lower Energy Use

Repairs to Complete Around Your Home for Lower Energy Use

When you want to lower your energy use and reduce utility costs, there are several things you can do around the house to get quick results. Related costs are generally worth the investment based on immediate savings that will begin to repay your outlay. Here are some suggestions for improvements you can make in your home to use less energy.

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Bonsai for Beginners: Where to Start?

Bonsai for Beginners: Where to Start?

Guest post by Kaizen Bonsai

When it comes to growing your own Bonsai tree, there is a common misconception that they are extremely difficult to care for. However, this is not the case and beginners are perfectly capable of growing their own Bonsai tree indoors and caring for it. In this article, we will talk you through the three main techniques of growing a Bonsai tree; cultivation, styling and care.

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How to Reduce and Greenify Your Power Consumption

How to Reduce and Greenify Your Power Consumption

If you are concerned about energy costs and the effect of fossil fuels on the environment, there are several things you can do to reduce your power usage and lower your energy bills. If everyone does their part, we can significantly reduce carbon emissions and lessen our environmental impact. While ending global warming will require more widespread change, the changes you make will help and can be personally fulfilling. Consider the following tips to become a more conscientious energy user.

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Home Sweet Homestead: 4 Things You Need When You Start Homesteading

Home Sweet Homestead: 4 Things You Need When You Start Homesteading

Guest post by Anita Ginsburg

For many of us, city life has become a drag. We long for our own land where we can be our own masters self-sufficient, supplying ourselves and our families with everything we need.

In many ways, homesteading is the American Dream. If you have considered adopting a self-sufficient lifestyle recently, read on to get an idea of where to start.

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5 Ways to Grow an Indoor Herb Garden

5 Ways to Grow an Indoor Herb Garden

It is relatively simple and straightforward to grow a herb garden indoors as long as you have the relevant knowledge. Growing your herb garden is an excellent way to satisfy all your needs without going to the market to buy them again and again. The current situation with the pandemic means you should minimize the times you venture out, as you risk contracting the virus every time you go out.

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Top Tips for Eco-Friendly Driving

Top Tips for Eco-Friendly Driving

Guest post by Rosette Monell

There have been many movements and innovations that promote being eco-friendly on the road. Fuel-efficient and electric vehicles, cars that use alternative sources for fuel, or simply cleaning your car’s exhaust pipe are only a few examples of eco-friendly driving methods and inventions. Environment-friendly measures are being pushed for vehicles since these machines contribute heavily to the pollution of our surroundings.

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How to Make Your Home Plumbing More Efficient and User Friendly

How to Make Your Home Plumbing More Efficient and User Friendly

Are you looking for ways to shave a few dollars off your monthly expenses? The answer might be in your pipes. While an extra gallon of water usage here or there may seem like nothing, all that wasted water adds up on your bill quickly. However, many people worry that saving water means inconvenience. If you want to cut your water bill without compromise, consider these four efficient and user-friendly solutions.

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Building Your Green Dream Home

Building Your Green Dream Home

Guest post by Jade Piper

Heating and Cooling

Decide how you will heat and cool your home. Fireplaces, wood stoves, and natural heating are lovely, but they do not cool very well. An energy-zapping cooling system will not be very green. There are, however, green options for heating and cooling systems. Determine which method will meet the needs of your family and home size.

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Using integrated pest management in your home garden: why it’s more important than ever

Using integrated pest management in your home garden: why it’s more important than ever

If you’ve ever had a garden, you’ve dealt with pests. That’s an inevitable part of gardening; some seasons you may find that your garden is relatively pest-free, while other seasons herbivore pests will ravage your plants. Most gardeners resign themselves to having to share at least some of their crops with pests, and some even plant things that are specifically meant to attract herbivores so that they’ll spare other parts of the garden Whether it’s insect pest or the animal variety, there are a number of steps you can take to minimize damage to your plants without harming the environment and without resorting to the use of pesticides or other poisons.

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