Growing Herbs and Vegetables Indoors: Hydroponics for Winter Gardening

Growing Herbs and Vegetables Indoors: Hydroponics for Winter Gardening

Growing herbs and vegetables in an indoor garden doesn't have to be time consuming, difficult or expensive with a simple indoor hydroponic countertop setup. Hydroponic gardening is a great way to grow your food quickly and efficiently in an indoor environment. It eliminates the need for soil, since plants are grown in water enriched with mineral nutrients.

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Bonsai for Beginners: Where to Start?

Bonsai for Beginners: Where to Start?

Guest post by Kaizen Bonsai

When it comes to growing your own Bonsai tree, there is a common misconception that they are extremely difficult to care for. However, this is not the case and beginners are perfectly capable of growing their own Bonsai tree indoors and caring for it. In this article, we will talk you through the three main techniques of growing a Bonsai tree; cultivation, styling and care.

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These Air Purifying Plants Can Improve Your Mental and Physical Health

These Air Purifying Plants Can Improve Your Mental and Physical Health

Guest post by Mona Freund

It’s no secret that spending time outside is good for us. Studies show that only two hours per week spent in nature can be beneficial to our health. It doesn’t really matter whether you get this outside time while hiking, gardening or simply sitting in your backyard. If you’re not fortunate enough to own a backyard, you can still bring a touch of green and fresh air into your life by adding plants to your interior decor. Plants increase our ability to focus, boost our happiness and reduce our stress level, which makes them the perfect addition to any inside space.

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A Beginner’s Guide to Successful Indoor Gardening

A Beginner’s Guide to Successful Indoor Gardening

When the winter gets you feeling down and you find yourself dreaming of fresh herbs and veggies from the summer garden, consider creating your own garden indoors! Besides providing plenty of delicious food to eat, indoor plants clean the air in your home and add a pop of vibrant green space to the indoor space.

Indoor gardening is a great solution for those who do not have enough outdoor space, especially for those who live in cities where space is at a premium. Plants do not have to take up much space - if a sunny window, table, or shelf can work with the current configuration of your space, then a plant can thrive. For outdoor garden spots, indoor gardening may be a great way to get seedlings going before planting them outside the spring.

Here are some important things to consider when starting an indoor garden:

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How to Safely Transport Your Plants

How to Safely Transport Your Plants

guest post by Tess Halpren

(image by Brina Blum on Unsplash)

There has been a ton of research to establish why plants have such a positive impact on the environment, and on our well-being. They add more than just aesthetics to a room. Some of their many other benefits include

  • Improved air quality

  • Improved humidity levels

  • Reduced stress and improved well-being

  • The ability to evoke a calmer, happier effect

  • Reduced negativity in the workplace and home

  • Ability to absorb noise

  • Help in saving energy

  • Aid in speeding up recovery from illnesses

  • Help in reduction of carbon dioxide levels

Based on these impressive benefits, it’s no surprise people hold their plants so dearly. And if you’re planning on moving or relocating in 2019, the thought of how to best transport your plants might have already came to mind. The Zebra created this helpful guide on how to effectively and safely transport your plants. It includes best practices, safety precautions, and helpful tips for before, during, and after your move.

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5 Tips to Bring Nature Indoors

5 Tips to Bring Nature Indoors

It’s common knowledge that nature has a positive impact on people and can help us relax and get in touch with our inner selves. Having this in mind, it’s not surprising that more and more world-famous interior designers are incorporating numerous elements of nature into their projects. So, if you want to follow in their footsteps and decorate your home according to the latest trends, take a look at the list of 5 tips on how to bring nature indoors which we’ve prepared just for you. Enjoy and get inspired!

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