Got the Sniffles? Here are the Natural Remedies to Reach for
/The common cold can be rather difficult to avoid. Because there are so many strains of the virus, you can never really build up immunity to it, either. However, if you think that the only option that you have is to head over to a doctor to ease your symptoms, think again.
As you can see with this Green and Prosperous post, antibiotics can’t fight viruses. As such, there is a limit to how much a doctor can help you. There is also the fact that many over-the-counter medications and remedies come with a long list of unpronounceable chemicals and side-effects.
The good news for you, though, is that you don’t need these options. There are plenty of natural remedies that can ease all of the symptoms of your cold and cough. So on this note, here are the top therapies that you should consider for yourself and your family:
Use Honey to Treat a Cough
Now, an acute cough – one that only exists for the duration of your cold – actually performs a specific function. It helps to clear thick mucus out of your breathing passages, carrying germs away from your lungs.
Nevertheless, coughing can be exhausting and painful, often interrupting your sleep. So, if you just want some rest, you should consider using honey as a remedy. Honey, has anti-inflammatory properties. As such, it can soothe your throat and prevent you from coughing.
Bear in mind that honey should never be given to a child younger than one year old. This is due to the increased risk of infant botulism. Individuals older than this, however, should be able to take honey safely.
There are a couple of different ways to take honey. You can mix it in with some tea or hot water. You can also add a little water to a tablespoon or so of honey and make a viscous gargle to ease any pain in your throat.
Rely on Salt Water for Decongestion and to Soothe Your Throat
Salt water is great for rinsing out and moistening nasal passages as well as your throat. Thus, it has multiple purposes in clearing your symptoms.
One way that you can use salt water is as a decongestant. Here, you can mix around 1/4th of a teaspoon of salt with around 8 ounces of water. Make sure to only ever use water that has been filtered and boiled. Use a bulb syringe to squirt the salt water into your nasal passages and drain them.
You can also choose to gargle with salt water. Mix half a teaspoon of salt with one cup of water. Use this as a gargling solution several times a day. This will keep your throat moist and will reduce discomfort.
Eat Your Vitamin C
Now, contrary to popular belief, vitamin C doesn’t really work to prevent you from getting colds. Fortunately, it can reduce the duration of your illness. Not to mention, this nutrient helps to boost your immunity as a whole.
Most experts would recommend that you eat (or drink) your vitamin C rather than popping pills. This is because foods that contain vitamin C also have other nutrients that can help to improve your health as a whole. These are some of the foods that you should add to your diet when you have a cold:
Kiwi fruit
Brussels sprouts
Red and green peppers
So when you feel your sniffles coming on, go ahead and add these foods to your grocery list. Getting around 400mg of vitamin C every day could help you to feel better in no time at all!
If you prefer using citrus fruits such as orange or lemon, you can use in combination with honey for an even greater impact. So, the next time you make yourself some tea, squeeze in lemon juice and add some honey as well. Or, you can just add lemon and honey to some hot water.
Use Steam to Clear Congestion
If your nose is feeling stuffy, it can be tough to get comfortable. Here, steam can come to the rescue. Now, the simplest way to steam your nasal passages is to boil some water and place it in a large bowl. Then, lean over the bowl and place a towel over you and the bowl, creating a closed environment.
Then, breathe in the steam deeply. Continue to do this until you feel like your nasal passages aren't stuffy anymore. You can repeat this remedy whenever you feel like you are becoming congested again.
Another option is to turn on a hot shower. The steam from the shower will have a similar effect on you. If you are too weak to take a shower, place a chair in your bathroom and inhale the steam this way.
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Brew Yourself a Cup of Ginger Tea
Despite its name, ginger tea doesn’t actually contain any true tea. Instead, it is made with fresh, dried, or powdered ginger steeped in hot water. It is actually quite easy to make and is an excellent cold remedy.
Ginger actually has a number of benefits for you when you have a cold. To begin with, it boosts your immunity, helping your body to fight off the virus. It is especially good for sore throats – drinking a cup every so often can help to ease and pain or discomfort in your throat.
It is also excellent as a decongestant and is specifically used to treat respiratory illnesses. While drinking this brew can help to reduce the congestion in your nasal passages, even breathing in the steam deeply can have a similar impact. Either way, it can relieve your symptoms.
It is clear that there are so many different natural remedies to select from. Best of all, each of these remedies are incredibly effective at easing symptoms and making you feel a whole lot better. Not to mention, there aren't any scary side effects to worry about.
So, the next time you or a family member has the sniffles, head to your local grocery store or root around in your own pantry or refrigerator. You will discover exactly what you will need to treat many of your ailments.
About the Author:
Carla Sutter is an herbalist with a passion for natural remedies. Over the last decade or so, she has made an effort to carefully research as many natural ingredients as she possibly can. This has allowed her to help individuals treat all kinds of ailments
This year, with COVID, RSV and common cold and flu viruses running rampant, it's more important than ever to protect yourself against illness. While wearing a mask indoors in public places can help, and vaccinations (especially against COVID) can keep you out of the hospital (whether or not you have a pre-existing underlying condition), they may not be enough to keep you from getting sick. If you come down with the cold or flu, there are clinically proven ways to keep it from setting in or, if already set in, from becoming severe.