5 Sustainability Initiatives Organizations Can Easily Implement
/The business sector plays a significant role in spearheading change towards a sustainable future. In the 21st century, having green initiatives should be part of any organization’s corporate social responsibility. But where do you start?
Whether you’re thinking of a few simple changes or large, interdepartmental policy adjustments, know that you don’t need radical programs to start achieving your green corporate goals.
Here are five sustainability initiatives organizations can easily implement.
Go digital
Surprisingly, a lot of companies still use paper for their operations and transactions not because they don’t have the budget to go digital but simply because they don’t want to change something that has worked for a long time.
US offices use 12.1 trillion sheets of paper per year. The United States is the largest producer and consumer of paper. So implementing gradual changes around how paper is used in the workplace can have a lasting impact on the environment.
For instance, reusing the blank side of a printed document, using e-signatures to sign off important paper trails, and slowly digitizing transactions with clients will go a long way in reducing paper use to the minimum.
Use lights efficiently
Having a properly illuminated workspace is necessary for a productive work environment. But there are practices you can adopt to keep your energy usage efficient and cost-effective.
One is to switch to the more eco-friendly LED bulbs. They last longer than incandescent lighting, produce no heat or UV emissions, and can safely operate in colder conditions.
Another is to use lights with motion sensors so your fixtures are turned off when not in use. It might cost the company a little investment at first but the long-term cost that can be recouped is well worth it.
And lastly, if your space allows it, opt for a minor office renovation that will allow you to maximize the use of natural light in your office spaces. Natural lighting is easier on the eyes and provides an appealing ambiance to the room.
Pose green challenges regularly
Most people are familiar with green initiatives nowadays. Despite this fact, many remain hard pressed to make changes on their own.
Companies leading the change can help introduce people to some lifestyle changes they might never try willingly but end up adapting once they experience the benefits for themselves.
A great way companies can spearhead this change is through organizing regular, company-wide sustainability challenges (e.g. bike to work day) complete with rewards by the end of the challenge.
This helps incentivize people to participate and maximize the output from their collective efforts.
Bigger companies can implement the challenge of adopting green policies faster by creating a healthy competition among different departments. The departments with the most effective and creative output get recognized during your quarterly or monthly company events, complete with their own custom awards and prizes.
Encourage the use of reusable kitchenware
Instead of using disposable plates, cups, and straws during lunch, encourage your employees to bring their own reusable utensils, mugs, and lunchboxes.
And instead of using disposable kitchen towels, encourage the use of kitchen cloths for drying hands or wiping counters.
All these entail only a minor behavior adjustment and inconvenience but the long-term benefit is huge.
Prioritize green partnerships
Perhaps the most powerful move any corporate organization could make is to factor sustainability in how it chooses to do business. This means choosing partners, suppliers, and distributors who also champion green policies in their own organizations.
This helps encourage other business owners to participate in the global move towards sustainable trade and by doing so, lead more individuals in contributing to the cause.
Green policies have been in business conversations for the past few decades. Now is the time to put those policies into action. Start adopting small but genuine policies into your corporate culture and help bring forth change for your employees and your community.
Recognize your employees’ efforts
As noted above, recognizing your employees’ and departments’ efforts to adopt green policies is easier when you use custom award plaques to acknowledge and celebrate their efforts.
Recognition is a huge deal for employees. A Great Place to Work survey showed that 37% of employees expressed that personal recognition motivates them to work better. Apart from that, doing so helps retain top talent, boost employee engagement, and improve work performance.
Whether rewarding quality work or another year in the company, employers should recognize and appreciate their employees regularly. There are many ways to do so, but the most common is to award a unique plaque of recognition to loyal and outstanding employees.
Most Common Employee Recognition Awards to Consider
Recognition that is done regularly is successful in motivating and encouraging people at work. Below are some of the most common recurring awards business owners should consider for their employees.
1. Performance Recognition
When it comes to work, it’s best to give praise where praise is due. Awarding top-performing employees is an excellent way for a company to show appreciation to the people driving the business forward. While credit should be given on any day, awarding ceremonies can be organized monthly, quarterly, or yearly, whichever works best for the company.
2. Best Attendance
Employee attendance is one of the factors that make or break a business. In fact, absenteeism and tardiness result in over $225 billion loss for businesses each year.
Because of this, business owners should recognize employees who always do their best to show up at work on time. Whether cash incentives or plaques, giving them awards offers motivation each time they clock in at work.
3. Work Anniversary
Work anniversaries are an employee milestone that’s worth celebrating. Having worked another year in the company is a huge feat and should be given proper credit. Aside from annual awards, business owners may also consider awarding employees that have stayed the longest in the company. They may be those who’ve been working for five years or more.
4. Employee Retirement
Those who have worked most of their life in an organization deserve utmost recognition the moment they retire. Business owners may consider throwing them a retirement party and simultaneously giving them a custom retirement award for their excellent long-term service.
Unique Corporate Awards for Employees
Employers may choose not to stick to the norm or hand out more unique awards to their employees. The following awards are great examples to consider.
5. Living by Our Values
A company’s core values are essential in uniting the organization as they aim for a common goal. Therefore, it’s only imperative for employers to award a team member who lives by these core values in everything they do within the workplace. If a company values excellence, passion, and fun, employees exuding these traits should be given recognition.
6. Team Player
Employees who exhibit great teamwork skills by collaborating and communicating effectively within and across teams should be given credit. Team player awards are usually given to those who have shown excellent performance working with a group and holding it together.
7. Going Above and Beyond
Quiet quitting is a recent workplace trend that affects both employers and employees. It’s when an employee refuses to go above and beyond, only doing the bare minimum to get by. While there are many factors that employees and HR teams should consider, one way to bring back employee motivation is by awarding those who exceed company expectations.
8. Best Customer Service
Client and customer communication can be challenging, so companies shouldn’t fail to recognize those who excel at it. Excellent service requires customers to engage and transact with a business in the first place.
9. Coaching Champion
Coaches are those who provide feedback and praise to support their fellow employees’ growth. They may be given to team leaders and managers who go out of their way to help their members reach their fullest potential.
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The Takeaway
Employee appreciation can be shown through verbal praise or bonuses. However, awarding something tangible, such as plaques and trophies, gives these exceptional employees something to remember throughout their careers. Business owners should consider handing the above awards regularly to boost employee morale and productivity.
About the author:
Jessica Clarkson is a marketing manager who loves to write blog posts and articles about various topics. She mostly writes about marketing, social media, and productivity. She helps small businesses develop their online presence and strategies for success.
Sustainability is no longer just a trendy concept. It’s a necessity for businesses navigating an eco-conscious marketplace. With millennials and Gen Z at the forefront, the push for sustainable practices is gaining momentum, compelling companies to embrace this lasting change.