Easy, Natural Ways To Boost Your Energy Without Caffeine
/guest post by Amy Trotter
(part 2 in a series of posts on chronic inflammation)
If you find yourself lacking energy and going through your day a little more sluggish and slowly, you may need an all-natural energy boost. As strange as it may sound, you can skip the coffee and still feel alert and energetic all day. The key is in how you treat your body, especially with what you put into it.
Take Vitamins and Stay Hydrated
One of the most natural ways to improve your level of energy is by eating fruits and vegetables. Eating raw fruits and vegetables is an easy, beneficial first step to naturally boosting your energy, with fresh produce known to be full of vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamin B12, which is known for keeping you alert, awake, and focused. If your body is lacking vitamins, you will naturally feel drained. Also, you should ensure that you’re getting a good amount of water. Eight cups per day is the bare minimum, but you can drink much more to help keep you from becoming dehydrated, which is another huge drain on energy.
Herbal Supplements
Consider taking herbal supplements for energy in order to stay alert and ready for anything.
Herbs such as Asian Ginseng, Ophiopogon, Astragalus, and Polygala, are all-natural and provide great ways to get in added nutrients that you may have missed throughout the day. Herbs are especially effective when combined with other natural remedies because they work together for even more increased health benefits, making herbal supplements helpful for energy, mental alertness, a strong immune system, and more.
Remember to Exercise
For an energy boost that lasts all day, get your body up and moving in the morning. When you exercise and get your blood pumping and muscles moving, you’re not only strengthening your heart and lungs. Your body also releases endorphins, which naturally lift your mood and make you happy, increasing your energy and motivation. As an added benefit, regular exercise keeps your metabolism high, making it easier to keep off weight. For even more energy, try to exercise outside to absorb Vitamin D through sunlight.
Get a Good Night’s Rest
We all know what it feels like to be sluggish and slow when we skimp on sleep the night before. That’s why it’s crucial to keep a healthy, regular sleep schedule. This routine helps your body repairs itself and clears your mind, fully restoring your energy every day.
Caffeine may help for a couple hours, but the drowsiness and lethargy from lack of sleep directly affect your overall activity levels, and can ultimately make you less productive. To prevent this, go to bed earlier, minimize your interaction with smartphone or computer screens an hour before sleeping, and simplify your morning routine by making breakfast or lunch ahead of time. Sleep is important, and sickness can be prevented by giving your body enough rest.
Stay Positive and Remember to Laugh
All of these healthy habits are sure to uplift your attitude as you start to feel more physically able to tackle anything. Be sure to set goals, establish healthy eating and exercise habits, and surround yourself with positive people who can influence you to make healthier decisions. Lastly, let yourself laugh throughout the day. Laughter is the best medicine, after all. Just because you’re getting older, this doesn’t mean you need to resign yourself to having less time and energy to practice self-care. Follow this advice and you’ll find yourself having tons of energy and naturally improving your quality of life.
Need help with stress management? Try this comprehensive stress management guide by Relax Like a Boss and watch your anxiety begin to fade.
Amy Trotter is an active, green-conscious health nut who loves to eat natural, organic fruits and vegetables. She regularly takes herbal supplements, exercises, and makes sure to laugh every day with her family and friends. She lives in the Costa Mesa with her husband and labrador, Lucy.