Plant Profile sheet

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Plant profile sheet_GnP store2.png
Plant profile listing3.png
Plant profile listing4.png
Plant profile sheet_GnP store1.png
Plant profile sheet_GnP store2.png
Plant profile listing3.png
Plant profile listing4.png

Plant Profile sheet


These printable plant profile pages are perfect for when you don’t need an entire garden planner! Save and record all of the informtion you need in one place. There are sections for names, type (annual or perennial), season, soil conditions, sunlight, temperature, spacing, spacing for a square foot garden, watering, fertilizing, pests, harvesting, container-friendly status, maximum height and width, pH, diseases, and propagation. There are also extra lines for you to write any additional information you may need to record.

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Add these pages to a 3-ring binder or hang them wherever you want for easy reference! Print as many copies as you need for your vegetables, herbs, fruits, flowers, and even trees.

Use whichever format suits your preference: a whole page for each plant profile or the 2-profile pages.

These pages are a great tool to help you keep track of the needs of individual plants - invaluable for the gardener, homesteader, or farmer with many plants to keep track of!

Your purchase includes 2 .pdf files, US letter size 8 1/2” x 11” / 216 x 279mm.